Nurture New Life
Catherine Fenner is a Seattle area lactation consultant.
When I asked her what she hoped her brand conveyed to her ideal client, she said:
“Warmth, approachable, skilled lactation care, professionalism. They will get high quality clinical care with a sensitive, respectful attention to their needs and goals. I like simple, professional, clean lines, appealing to adults, not cutesy baby”
When I asked her what colors she wanted, she said:
“I tend toward softer, muted colors. I like the green of new life but am open to other ways to describe new life. I want to avoid too bright, bold, but also “too cute baby” colors. I like peach, but not orange. I like blue, green, plum. I have some of that now, but don’t like how they are working together right now.
When I asked her what she liked about her current logo and what she wanted to change, she said:
“I like the nurturing feel, the connection of baby and parent – to me it implies relationship. Breastfeeding, feeding is a relationship and that will be cared for while we figure out what is making feeding difficult. I’ve outgrown the silhouette of the traditional woman. I do not like the colors. It all started with the green. I wanted to express new life, wanted to avoid traditional baby girl/boy colors. what I have now is too bright, bold and orange.”
Branding Suite
This project included a bookmark and handout layout.
You Deserve a Stunning Brand
Whether you want your brand to be elegant, charming, nurturing, feminine, professional, modern, friendly, quirky, creative, luxurious or bold... I'm here to create a brand story for your business that helps you get seen.